Each team, including high school and middle school athletic programs, is required to appoint at least one parent/guardian to represent their individual team within the WABC. The team liaison will:
- Serve as a conduit of information between WABC and the team they represent
- Promote the WABC and its mission
- Serve on a WABC committee or volunteer for activities
- Vote on officers (limited to high school team representatives only)
- Serve a minimum of one year
Required Team Participation to Receive Funds
Teams must meet eligibility requirements to receive WABC per athlete distribution funds. Eligibility is determined as:
- Coaches MUST attend at least three (3) meetings per year
- Team representative (coach or liaison) must attend four (4) of the remaining six (6) meetings – for a total of team representation at seven (7) booster club meetings
- Liaison or other team representative is not just a body that checks in at meetings. The booster club wants (and needs) engagement. Beyond input and disseminating information and our mission, liaisons/team representatives must help with at least one of the following:
- Sell Bulldog cards
- Attain corporate sponsorships/help hang sponsor banners
- Help sell 50/50 raffles/man Booster Club table at sporting events
- Garner memberships
- Volunteer or help plan fundraising events
- Sit on the scholarship committee
- Other programs
Teams that have not met the above requirements will NOT be calculated into the Per Athlete Distribution Amount for that year.